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Everything posted by mindhunter

  1. Found solution in the forums. This topic may be closed
  2. Allright, So I currently have a .bat file, calling the .jar file and when executing it on desktop it works flawless.. It runs the .jar file, populates all the files required and runs like a charm. However, now trying to have tcadmin startup the .bat file it seems to be doing nothing. The status stays on running but there is no process or any indication that it is. Tried to look into the tcadmin logs to see where the problem is but I cannot find anything that seems related.. anyone here who has some tips or the solution for this problem?
  3. Agreed... must have been staring blind on trying to get it to work that I overlooked the security risks it would cause.. Thanks for the answers and I'm going to create mod packs insted of allowing them acces to the files.
  4. Since I'm running a couple of servers that have .jar files for plugins, users require to be able to add/rename/delete files with the .jar extensions. However for some reason I just don't see where I could change this. I tried going into: File Manager -> Editable Extensions -> added the *.jar extension. also tried: File System Permissions -> User Files -> Add permisions by subdirectory -> added the directories the files are located in. I'm most likely just overlooking a settings somewhere, but after 4 days of trail and error I simply can't find it. Anyone has ideas or solutions for this problem?
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