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Everything posted by sg_pyro

  1. Hey, Has anyone got a Sniper: Ghost Warrier TCAdmin Game COnfig? I cant seem to find one? Also can we download the dedicated server files via hlds tool?
  2. This is just utter bullshit you think they would have tested all this crap before the game was released to the public. it feels like im playing Modern Warefare 2 all over again...
  3. Well this is just stupid why not be be able to download the files using hldsupdatetool like every other steam game? ffs!!
  4. as if not test the dedicated server platform before releasing the game...
  5. Yeah i just thought i'd get a head start lol Where i am it's not out until the 18th Feb. So lookin forward to setting up a few servers for myself.
  6. Hey, With the new AvP coming out soon is there a config file avaliable?
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