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Posts posted by stealthservers

  1. Hey Jason thanks for the response, yes you were correct it was the tcadmin config that had some issues in it, thanks for the tip, I got it sorted out for them.



  2. Checked interact with desktop, created the RDC shortcut, started the server, nothing happened on the screen while logged in.


    Created a shortcut for the game locally on his server used the command line exactly the same as in tcadmin, and it worked fine. Like I said it works fine from console, just will not run through tcadmin

  3. Runs fine from the desktop but tcadmin cant start the server for some reason, we don't host halo so I'm not familiar with it, but I guess it's safe to say it is a tcadmin specific issue

  4. Was this issue ever corrected? We have a dedicated server customer having the same issues. Would like to help him with this. Everything seems just fine when running on the desktop. The only issues is when running TCA.


    Any suggestions are appreciated



  5. I recommend not setting the gametype or map in the command line, this way users can edit these setting in their .ini


    Here is an example: server GameMode=0?MaxPlayers=14?NumPublicConnections=14?NumOpenPublicConnections=16? -multihome= -port 7777 -unattended -login=stealthservers -password=***** -log=GameServers.log -nohomedir


    Also for a default config you may want to consider removing "numplay=8" this will create bots in the server.


    If anyone needs me to upload our config let me know. It is working perfectly. However I assume most of you figured things out.


    Anyways let me know



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