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Everything posted by tbcwarrior

  1. im using server 2003 but for some reason wouldnt end the task
  2. Thanks so much for the Trick to put in the murmur superuser, i did find on my setup tskill wouldnt end the task, so i downloaded pskill and used that instead. googling pskill will find you the file if you need it, first time you run pskill you will need to agree to eula licence so run it before starting your server up. regards chris Visit ez-servers.net
  3. i have managed to get the openwarfare mod working last night as there are rulesets available for it, to get the localapppath working in tcadmin you can add to the commandline +set fs_localAppData %userfilespath%, should be the same to get all the other mods working, i will be working on promod and pam in next couple of days so if anyone needs any help with openwarfare, contact mrccocking@hotmail.com as there is limited help on the openwarfare site. is there a reason why you shouldnt use fs_localAppData as i cant find any explaination as to why we shouldnt? chris ez-servers.net
  4. Has anyone yet made a tcadmin config for this? if not i will have a go, (never added a game to tca made by ubi before) the only issue i have with making it is do i have to have the ubi.com login information in the commandline like it states in the R6:Vegas samples commandlines example: R6Vegas_Game.exe TEXTSERVER MP_Mexico_01?AgO=1?AgU=USERNAME?AgP=PASSWORD?SrvOp tionFile=UBISOFT_VEGAS?RG=0?RC=3?TBR=0?PB=1?GAME=R 6Game.R6AttackDefendGame?TKPM=5?FF=0?TL=180?MP=16? AR=1?ML=3?TR=0?GPL=0?LT=0?TKP=1?TB=5?GD=2 regards chris ez-servers.net
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