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Everything posted by Techwebhosting

  1. I used a Win 2003 VM on a different network and downloaded SteamCMD and Age of Chivalry. There was no HL2 folder and it had the same problem. Do i need to download some base install files? I seen some other people had this problem, but i did not see anyone that got it working. EDIT: This is the batch file i am using to download Age of Chivalry:C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\steamcmd.exe +login anonymous +force_install_dir "Z:\TCAFiles\Games\AC" +app_update 17515
  2. I had to copy the HL2 folder from the TF2 folder, there was no HL2 folder before that. it seems like most of the game downloads don't have the HL2 folder. EDIT: I did not see it started another page, thought it lost my first post so i reposted.
  3. I copied the HL2 folder from the TF2 folder, i did not see any particles folder in the HL2 one.
  4. I have not gotten to TF yet, I am still on the first few games on my list, Age of Chivalry and Alien Swarm. Age of Chivalry uses SteamCMD and Alien Swarm still uses HldsUpdateTool. Ok i have found the HL2 folder in the TF folder, I copied it to the root game install folder and it looks like it has fixed part of the problem. On the AC server i am getting "Unable to load manifest file "particles/particles_manifest.txt""
  5. Well some of these games use SteamCMD other are still on the old update tool. I have tried them from batch files and they do the same thing. If i try and just open the exe nothing happens, no console window pops up or anything. I am thinking because this is a new install of windows that i am missing some kind of prerequisite.
  6. Hi, I have been running Win 2003 x64 for a long time and have moved over to Win 2008 R2 x64 and now i am getting errors. This is a fresh install of Win 2008. I don't know how to fix this and I haven't really found anything on how to fix this. I am getting this error on a lot of different source engines games. The game install files have been download several times to make sure they are not the problem. The console outputs a lot of "unknown commands" when it first starts up along with the popup message "Unable To Load Manifest File "scripts/surfaceproperties_manifest.txt"". Thx for any help.
  7. 3. This is the problem I am having with the file system permissions. I want a user to have the ability to make directories in "left4dead2\left4dead2\cfg\". So I set it up with the advanced permissions, read files, list directories, create directories, rename directories, and delete directories. I then hit the update button then save. When I reload the page it removed all the permissions but read files. I have setup the user to not be able to do anything but read files. Then I want the user to be able to make directories for add-ons, like sourcemod. So I would try to setup the above so they could make the "left4dead2\left4dead2\cfg\sourcemod\" directory but not be able to change any of the config files in "left4dead2\left4dead2\cfg\". After that I would add "left4dead2\left4dead2\cfg\sourcemod\" and give them full permissions to that directory.
  8. CloudCUBE, Thx for the reply, but it did not really help me any. 1. Error - 550 CWD failed. "/Games/l4d2/TCA.Mods" this is a problem with TCAdmin V2. In TCAdmin V1 this is how the directory is setup "\GameInstalls\GameFolder\TCA.Mods". The file server is setup like this "\GameFolder\TCA.Mods". TCAmin V1 is able to get the game files and mods like that. With TCAdmin V2 I have it setup the same, "\GameFolder\TCA.Mods", and the game installs work fine from the file server but when I try to install the mod. It wants "\Games\GameFolder\TCA.Mods". When under the file server their is no "\Games\" parent directory. Now I could just add the parent directory to fix it. However its still a problem because the mods do not use the same path that you have set under the "Game Downloads" tab for the file server. 2. I Remember back when TCAdmin V2 came out you could set the max RAM for the live stats somewhere. While it dose not do the same thing that the command line option dose for minecraft. I just want the live stat for memory not to be set to 1% of a server that has 32GB of RAM. I want it to be like 90% of 400MB Edit: I Found it. You go into the game config, then "Variables". Set the "Default Value" to what you want the live stat to show, then check the "Max Memory" box.
  9. Thx Peace, Yea I put that in their because at one point it said "The system cannot find the path specified.". I added the echo to see the command to make sure that had the right path forgot to take it out.
  10. I am new to TCAdmin V2 and I need some help configuring it and I don't want to bug the support team with stuff that is not important. 1 - Installing Mods I have added a mod to my Left 4 Dead 2 config. When I try to install the mod I get "Error - 550 CWD failed. "/Games/l4d2/TCA.Mods": directory not found.". I have it setup to download the game files from a file server. I am not sure if it is trying to get the mod from the file server. My file server is setup like this "/l4d2/TCA.Mods" no "/Games/" parent directory. How do I fix this, do I have to make the file server setup to be "/Games/" before everything? 2 - RAM Cap - Solved How do I set the ram cap in TCAdmin for the live stats? So like its using 1% of the whole servers ram but I want it to say using like 90% of the set amount of ram? 3 - File System Permissions - Solved Can you make it so that a ftp user/file manager can not delete files that have been setup with read only permission or is this just for stopping the text editor from working on that file? 4 - Custom Scripts - Fixed By Peace I am trying to make a script that will delete old log files. I made the batch file that works, but when I made it in TCAdmin it dose not work. I am able to make a log file in the users directory with the script, so I know it is running. I have it setup like this. OS: Win Script Engine: batch file Event: Custom Icon Allow scheduling: Y Prompt for variable values: Y Stop service before executing: N Execute as the service's user: N Ignore execution errors: N Then the script: " @echo OFF echo **************************************** echo * Deleting Logs - left4dead2\bin\logs\ * echo **************************************** echo del /Q %ThisService_WorkingDirectory%\bin\logs\*.* "
  11. When i was doing my testing on Win 2003 and Centos 5/6, the win server was using less resources then the none GUI Centos. Both where new installs of the OS, with full updates and all system requirements for TCAdmin.
  12. I am not sure if I described what I was talking about clearly. In V1 the installer has an option to run as web server. As of now V2 has no such option in the installer. Will their be an option for a dedicated web server that dose not require a license to run like in V1?
  13. It has been a long time since I last seen anything about a stand alone web server for the cpanel like TCAdmin V1 has. Do you have an idea of when one will be out? Will the new web server work on Windows and Linux?
  14. Is their still a stand alone web server planed, like the TCAdmin v1 web server? If so do you have an idea of when it will be out? Will the new web server work on Windows and Linux?
  15. Note: i did not see this thread when i was typing this up, but i thought i would post this in here becuse it's similar. Feature Request - More Scheduling Hi, i really like the Task Scheduler but i was wondering if you could add that to a game's config? So by default when a game is installed they inherited the tasks listed in the game config but the user can edit them if allowed. so for example say a server restart, i know that you alreday have it where a users can make a task to restart the server, but i want the task to be made by default. i also know that you can setup a recuring taks for all the servers but then the user can't edit the start time of the task. I know that you can compress files as a task now, but can you make it so that users can make backups of their dir as a scheduled task too? P. S. I was wondering if or when you would have the web server only installer out and the option for an external ftp server for the game install files, i have only seen the option to get the game install files from the master.
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