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  1. Hey can someone post a config that they got working. would be very thank full. as in config i mean a TCadmin config so i can import it in.
  2. Here's my B3 config aviable to download on my attachment and the 1.2.2 windows install is http://nagleague.com/BigBrotherBot-1.2.2b-courgette-20100101-win32-standalone.rar works great no issues all my customers loves it easy to install enjoy. Big Brother Bot(2).txt
  3. I recommend the B3 Windows Installer no missing around with python and I would use the 1.2.2b for windows installer works on 32 and 64 bit systems or the 1.2.1 .exe is way better than missing around with .bats and python plus smaller like 10MB per install
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