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  1. no commandline or chapter/module? =Tommy
  2. Hi!! Anyone share a BF2 VOIP standalone cfg? -Tommygun
  3. Kevin makes fun of me for hosting some wacky games. Here's one for the record books... Heres a cfg for Tremulous its a Q3 based game. -tommygun Tremulous.txt
  4. Here is Q2, proof it first -TommyGun quake2.txt
  5. Hi guys, Anyone play with the new secondary applications for bf2cc with ranked yet? -bobby
  6. ok heres the final skinny... autoexec.cfg r_ignoreGLErrors 1 seta net_master0 preymaster.humanhead.com:27650 writeconfig preyconfig.cfg wait and last but not least... COMMANDLINE..... +set si_maxplayers 12
  7. I'm running 12 kev Once I get it nailed down 100% I'll email you -Bobby
  8. I have to talk to kevin, Q4 had the same issue and I did a workaround for that game. -Bobby
  9. I have the solution..... go in that preyconfig log file and make it 16 there, I noticed that most maps only had 14 spawn points -Bobby I'm going to have a revised cfg, tomorrow.
  10. mapcycle si_mapCycle " game/dmescher;game/dmescher2;game/dmroadhouse;game/dmsalvage walk;game/dmshuttle1;game/dmshuttle2;game/dmsphere;game/dmwa llwalk2 "
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