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Everything posted by mattb

  1. How does steam auto update the files? To a folder on your desktop?
  2. So for every customer one server would be 15GB? No way to reduce that?
  3. // Open game port (Steam-visible server game port) //+set net_queryPort 27014 // Secure game port //+set net_port 27015 // Steam authentication port //+set net_authPort 8766 // Steam master server (server browser) port //+set net_masterServerPort 27016 Which ports do I use the default for mw3 so I can have all my servers as that?
  4. 12.GB ! Do I put the steam.dll in my codmw3 folder in gamefiles for tcadmin or compress it with the other dedicated files?
  5. I would need to own a copy of mw3 to host servers or just download them off a database?
  6. On the tcadmin configs page of the knowledgebase it shows how to get the files for game but new ones are not posted I checked on the help page on steam shows the same files is there a site where you can download the new game files even for mw3?
  7. It doesn't work, when I create a new service I add the rcon the service is created but the rcon I had set isn't in the config just the default changeme, no config I've tried worked. Keeps showing retrieving info.
  8. Doesn't have san andreas multiplayer, just MTA.
  9. Anyone have a sa:mp config the one I'm using doesn't work and I'm not 100% familiar on what the settings have to be at.
  10. %rwhois V-1.5:003eff:00 rwhois.choopa.com (by Network Solutions, Inc. V- network:Class-Name:network network:Auth-Area: network:Network-Name: network:IP-Network: network:Organization;I:GameServers network:Tech-Contact;I:support@gameservers.com network:Admin-Contact;I:support@gameservers.com network:Created:20070101 network:Updated:20100501 network:Updated-By:support@choopa.com network:Class-Name:network network:ID:CHOOPA- network:Auth-Area: network:Network-Name:CHOOPA- network:IP-Network: network:Organization;I:CHOOPA.COM network:Tech-Contact;I:support@choopa.com network:Admin-Contact;I:support@choopa.com network:Created:20070412 network:Updated:20080902 network:Updated-By:support@choopa.com %ok how do they get choopa with gameservers
  11. i saw this clan ego they have there own bfbc2 servers without GSP i took there ip used only and it says that ip belongs too choopa LLC which is a company not about games. just curious how would they get EA approval.
  12. hi, i been searching the forum saw is there a config for battlefield bad company 2 i would like a server since i have the game and its fun config ranked please. and the command to download the server files is it bcb2?
  13. one thing, sorry do you have gmod 100 tick script? -console -game garrysmod +ip -port 27015 +maxplayers 20 +exec server.cfg +map RP_Downtown_V2 +fps_max 200 -tickrate 66 changed to -console -game garrysmod +ip -port 27015 +maxplayers 20 +exec server.cfg +map RP_Downtown_V2 +fps_max 200 -tickrate 100 but people still say its 66 for some reason, they dont stop complaining
  14. hey, im looking for garry's mod 11 100 tic if that exists, i only find 10, is it 10 or 11 im also trying to verify if i need gmod 10 or 11, if you do have gmod 10 could i get a link to gmod 10 100 tic config please thanks,
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