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  1. Can you explain what is needed and how to setup the SQL part please and thank you
  2. Okay and I should know this....but how do i get the Remote Server manager for BF:V to work to work with this stuff?
  3. Thanks i forgot to say ver 1.2 but i assume its the same just a different name?
  4. Any one have configs for Battle Field Vietnam for TCADMIN?
  5. Hey can you set me up with this in a PM?

    I've just finished working on a php script which queries the tcadmin/mysql database and displays things like total slot count, total servers...


    Should be fairly easy to intergrate into most php based sites. Unfortunately, not being a total expert I've not been able to query only online servers, so it just brings back the number of servers listed in your panel.


    Just shout if you want a copy, or a hand integrating it.



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