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  1. Hi All, Apologies if these have been asked before, but I'm trying to make sure I have my TCAdmin install is setup correctly. 1. On my installation (linux), there is a folder in each CSGO installation called 0 which has all the TCAdmin logs in it. Is there an easy way to clear these out? Could a recurring task be setup to clean this of log files older than X days? 2. I tried to setup a Steam Update recurring task on a per server basis and ran into a major issue. When the task runs it replaces some of the most important files in CSGO like the maplist and mapcycle, also the bspwhitelist file (necessary for modded communities). Is there anyway to set it to not overwrite EVERY file? When I typically do the Steam Update task via the "Steam" button it just updates only what's changed. Any ideas would be wonderful
  2. I'm not sure why or how. But I currently have 4 servers which use fastdl sync to sync to the same location. I'm not sure if I'm not supposed to do that, but it made no sense to have them sync the same files to different locations. For some reason after some time my fastdl server files will all be gone, completely missing for unknown reasons. What typically would cause something like this?
  3. Hello, I was curious if there is a way with TCAdmin to backup the servers weekly? It might seem like a waste of resources to back it up on the same drive, but I wanted to create a weekly backup so that if anything was messed up on the servers I would have a backup at least. Also, the same for the TCAdmin SQL data. Is that possible? Thank you!
  4. My particular issue is happening on LINUX, not windows.
  5. Do you mean the "Default Steam Account"? It's currently set to anonymous as well. I also double-checked the settings in each game config and they are blank which means they use the default steam account. So I think this is indeed a bug.
  6. I was looking to redownload the steam files for Counter-Strike: Source and attempted to use the "Steam game downloader" tool. However when I try to download the files using anonymous (which is what you should use) it tells me I need to have a password. Is this a bug? Why is the password required if you need to use anonymous to download the server files when updating?
  7. ? I received an update to TCAdmin 2 a few days ago.
  8. Hello, I've read in the FAQs that I can use iptables to redirect port 80 to 8880 so that I no longer need to specify that port when accessing the control panel. The issue then becomes I'm unable to access the fast download server that uses port 80 for access. Is it possible for me to specify the TCAdmin panel to a specific IP and use the port redirect for only that specific IP address? Thanks for any assistance!
  9. Nevermind, I was able to figure this out. The errors are just some spammy bug with SteamCMD and after waiting through them it updates per normal.
  10. Hello, I've uploaded the latest game configs and I'm attempting to update my server, however when I try I get a spammed with with this long error message continuously and it's uploaded the files into the wrong directory. Am I doing something wrong?
  11. Sorry, I'm still unsure if TCAdmin has any relationship to the drop off my server has, but since switching the popularity of one of my servers has been dropping significantly. There is nothing in the server log that would indicate a problem. I also did a query into the Steam API to see if the server is listed okay and it is. However, some people tell me they can't see it, I can. Some people see it fine as well. We do have a software firewall "ConfigServer", but it is the same exact setup we had with cPGS with no issues.
  12. Hello, I'm not sure if this is merely coincidence or an actual problem caused by TCAdmin, but I've noticed that since I've moved to TCAdmin my servers traffic has dropped significantly. I can't really figure out why. I noticed yesterday that none of my servers are listed on the steam list. Sometimes they are, sometimes they are not. Has anyone else experienced this issue? I currently run TCAdmin 2 on a dedicated CentOS 6.4 (x86_64) box along with cPanel. I had been using cpGS previously with no problems, but wanted to move to TCAdmin because I loved the features. Now I'm not noticing this problem so if anyone has any suggestions I would appreciate it. Thank you!
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