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Everything posted by swish

  1. Anyone made a config for this yet? I havent even looked at the server docs yet but figured i would ask if anyone already has one hehe
  2. With NDA's and other paperwork we are unable to release the download link since each is unique to each provider. If your not on Edmar's GSP list you wont get the files till public release.
  3. Wait for the server files...there no point in hosting it with the retail...it wont display in the browser.
  4. Yes that is true...Plus COD4 is bad enough at 6GB.....who he heck wants to upload 11GB's of the retail game and not even have it display in the browers...
  5. We are apparently not allowed to disclose info on the confrence calls any longer. Who did you email?
  6. No its not possible to host it direct from the retail game at this time. No configs, No command lines ect
  7. To expand on vet's post. º The dedicated server files are apparently at 1.1 GB right now. º They are shooting to be released "within 2 weeks" º Servers are able to bind to each IP and you ARE able to run multiple instances on one box...however there are no custom game ports as of now. I know in the confrence call some of the UK guys were saying they need the custom ports because they dont run multiple IP's per box. However alot of us US guys have more IP allocations available to us and custom ports dont matter. The call was pretty broad and still alot kept in the dark...hopefully more info to come soon.
  8. They have not been released yet. Myself and vet will probally be able to let you know more about it later tonight after our confrence call.
  9. I know its been over a year for this one.....anyone ever get a config working for this game?
  10. And http://www.clanbaselive.com/cod4 for version 1.3 in zip format
  11. Config would be helpful if ya got it
  12. Gimme a holler on MSN later tonight....we will get it set for ya.
  13. I got the same....havent found this anticheat file yet. But your server is running
  14. Ok I think i got it figured out... get the server files from here: http://downloads.game-monitor.com/details.php?file=11 After you install edit the name of MTA Server.exe to MTAServer.exe (remove the space) and your good to go
  15. x3. Seems theres no MTAServer.exe in the dedicated package.
  16. I saw this on some of our demo servers....i think its an issue with the master browser servers.
  17. I have had some issues with our not showing up from time to time....I think it might be an issue with the master server. Seems to be working fine now.
  18. N/P I snagged em form the same place you got em
  19. Nice Find Doug. Now to make a config rawr....
  20. I "thought" i was set to pick up my copy today but however GameStop released the console copies today and PC will be tommorow... So I say we fight ECF to the death for a copy lol.
  21. hrmmm now where did you get the files mr special
  22. Hehe your guy must work at my local GameStop too MUHAHAHA the world is ours.
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