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Everything posted by Bravo17

  1. Somehow the server IP had got messed up. A quick license reset from Luis and all went back to normal again. Excellent service as always.
  2. Has anyone else had an issue after installing the windows 2018-11 updates on server 2012r2? TCA was working fine just before the update, but on restarting after the update the web interface isn't working correctly. The 'Status' column shows either blank or unknown, the 'Action' column only shows manage and it takes forever to go to an individual server details from 'Game Services', and then clicking on 'Service Settings' eventually brings up a red 'Exception:' in the top left. I am using the latest version according to 'Check for Updates' Running Service Browser from the desktop works, all the status' show up correctly and starting/stopping a service works as well. Running a browser on the desktop and connecting via tcaport shows the same issues as connecting over the internet. I notice that one of the updates was for .NET ......
  3. Recent update to Steamcmd seems to have broken something and it no longer works when started by Tcadmin. Seems to be able to create new servers OK, just not update them,
  4. Found out what to do: If you have 'Get Service Name from Hostname' UNSELECTED then you can change the name for the server.
  5. Is there a way to customize the server name for servers that are not 'true' game servers, but support servers like big brother bot or BEC etc? Because at the moment they all show up with the same name in the list of servers, which make sit difficult to tell them apart!
  6. I found out what was wrong with my imported game - it didn't have the "files folder name" set for some reason. So it is showing up now. I also figured out that games will show up in the create list if either:- 1. There is anything in the specified files folder other than the 3 default folders. It can be a file or folder with any name. or 2. There is a steam ID set in the games definition. It was the Steam ID that was causing some of the default games to show and some to not show. Thank you for your help!
  7. At "Create Service" I see 35 games in the list when there should be 65. Of those 35 only 2 actually have Games Files downloaded into the "Game Files Path". There are another 25 games from the default set that comes with TCA2 that do not show up, and 5 that I have imported from TCA1 that also do not show up. Once I have installed one of the games that does show up, if I go to "Service Settings" for that game I then see all 65 games listed, and can change the gametype to any one of them. I hope that is clearer.
  8. Unfortunately most of the games that show up in the list don't actually have any game files in the folders, I only have game files for 3 games actually downloaded, 2 of which show up in the list. 35 games actually show on the list. Most of the ones that don't show up (25) are in the default list that came with TCA2, so I'm guessing that they are configured correctly. The other 5 are ones that I imported from TCA1, and none of them show up. Once I have successfully created a game server (I used Insurgency mod) and I go to "Service Settings" I can then see all 65 of the games including all the missing ones, and I can also import gameservers that don't show up from my TCA1 file that I copied from another computer and edited the IPs in.
  9. Thanks for the reply, but game is showing in settings>game & other voice servers and the files are downloaded
  10. When I go to "Create a Service" in order to install a new game I don't all the games listed in the drop down list, even though I have configured the Server to be allowed to install "[All game and voice servers]". In fact, I seem to get the same list of games no matter what I configure the server to allow. And the "Show Hidden" box makes no difference. I have restarted the server box a few times to see if that cured it, but to no avail. I'm using the latest version Anyone know what is going on and how to sort it?
  11. Unfortunately this is still happening, despite mitigating the DNS issue, so ther must be something else going on. It seems to happen each night.
  12. Think we found out what it was - a DNS ddos attack was using up loads of resources, so apparently there wasn't enough left over for TCA
  13. We have TC Admin v 1, and up until a few days ago it has been working fine. It suddenly started playing up Early Monday morning and was showing all gameservers status as unknown with a 'Could not connect to the Master Monitor' error at the top of the page. A system reboot cured the problem that day and as far as I know TCA behaved fine the rest of the day. Same thing sometime early on Tuesday morning, but this time all 4 of our COD5 servers were also not responding and had gone offline with an 'authentication error'. After much stopping and restarting of the TCAdmin service things finally came back to life again, and they continued to be OK for the rest of the day. Same thing Wednesday morning, at which point I applied the latest update hoping that might cure it, but now it's happened again today, Thursday. Going to system settings/servers and trying to view the console output gives a 'could not create server plugin' error, as does Restart server and Restart monitor. Also to note that we had problems with our Public COD4 server on Monday, which may have been the result of a buffer overflow attack. It seems to have been fine since though, after having put a measure in place to prevent the possible attack. Had TCA not played up before this was in place I would have suspected that the prevention had caused the TCA problem, but the nature of it and the fact that the TCA problem had occurred prior to it being put in place leads me to doubt that they are directly connected. Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions? Update: I have just restarted the TCA monitor after stopping it for the duration of typing the above post, and TCA came back to life. So it appears that it may just need some 'downtime' to clear whatever is causing the problem. I should probably add that all of the servers (apart from the COD5 ones) seem to carry on functioning normally - it only seems to be the Web Admin that fails. And port 8888 still gives the 'Hello TC Admin user" message.
  14. Try this: 1 set up Arma2 CO as normal and install the latest beta, and then set it to run the beta version in Expansion\beta 2 Use the Override Default Command line in service settings and set the CL to, (using your settings): -ip=your_ip -port=2302 -cpuCount=1 -exThreads=1 -noSound -par=path_to\dayz.txt 3 Create a dayz.txt with the following in it, renaming files as needed -mod=EXPANSION\beta;EXPANSION\beta\Expansion;EXPANSION;ca;@dayz;@hive -profiles=dayzcfg -config=dayzcfg\server.cfg -cfg=dayzcfg\arma2.cfg -name=dayzcfg -world=Chernarus That should do it.
  15. You can reach me at 82ndab.Bravo17@gmail.com


    Thank you.

  16. Hi, just applied your first patch to our server that was lagging really badly, and it seems to have done the trick!


    Thank you!!!!!


    If you are still looking for help in testing your new solution, please PM me.

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