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Everything posted by jyanta902

  1. I was not using Primary IP but it leads into a lot of complications with another server when it is on the Primary IP.. Lots of hassles atm. Please do share people Non Primary always connects to a Primary through Steam. :-|
  2. Alright I got a question, is anyone else experiencing the following issues? the net_ip not fully fuctioning (Server boots off the right IP BUT when someone attempts to join Via Steam it allocates to the servers default IP) The Join Port goes to 27018? I have the default ports all listed but yet you add the game to the Steam browser as xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:27015 and then right click select info then the join port goes to 27018.. Does anyone think they are going to fix this net_ip issue? Seems like the same issue as the UT3 engine **Dont mean to hijack anyone elses issues just figured Id keep it in the same thread**
  3. Excellent. Thanks Dmitri.. Working like a charm
  4. Anyone else around that can help? Please? :-D I made a .bat file and yet it still just makes it boot all the time (Check to see if Running) and when I stop the gameserver it does not stop the actual game server. Bat consisted just of: Minecraft_Server.exe Any ideas?? (Did state this in my OP)
  5. Hi Integrapynoy, Well originally the server does not come with a .bat file anymore. Thats the issue. So would I just make a new .bat file execuiting the minecraft_server.exe? Is there anything special that would have to be in the batch file? What about stopping it? (Ive tried the making a .bat file so it executes the server and the same thing happened all over heh).. Please and Thanks
  6. Hey Guys, I downloaded the current Minecraft Server TCAdmin Config files, installed it as a game but Im having a couple issues.. First off: When the Game Server Boots up, (Minecraft_Server.exe) it starts but TCAdmin keeps attempting to check to see if its running so it attempts to keep booting up more and more copies every 3 seconds. Ive fixed this for atm by Setting the, Check to see if running: 100000000 (Not perm of course). So I need to know how we can fix this.. As well once the server is running, Javaw.exe takes over so Minecraft_Server.exe is no longer running. When I shutdown the Server via TCAdmin (Stop) it says it stopped but the Server is still running until I end task it.. Does anyone know how to fix these 2 issues?? (Multiple Copies starting and and Not Stopping)?? Ive tried creating a .bat and running the EXE and it still runs into the same issue. Can someone please help? Thanks a lot.. Jason
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