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  1. Sweet as - Does anyone have a sql conversion tool available? Also are you able to use tca2 with IIS as we have another IIS site running currently off the master server in which we use virtualhosting via hostname. Looking forward to replies
  2. Looking at migrating to TCA2 - A few things I need to confirm with this - What is the easiest way to move teamspeak 3? As i dont want to recreate the servers etc as clients would lose channels etc and screw up the db id's etc. I presume is simply converting the tca1 to tca2 database for those servers? Advise on this would be great as well as other migration tip's and hints.
  3. Hey guys, Wondering if its possible to show the IP for the related service to the client in their Products and Services page? Anyone been able to do this or know how? Cheers
  4. It uses a directory command in the commandline to define where it puts it. Also guys i've seen alot of people grabbing that MW3 Server install off our servers, just curious what speeds did you guys get?
  5. I've got running mine through TCA fine with the following command line: +set dedicated 2 +set net_ip +set net_queryPort 27301 +set net_port 27302 +set net_masterServerPort 27300 +set net_authPort 27303 +set sv_maxclients 14 +set sv_config server.cfg +start_map_rotate
  6. Not having this issue here on our Game Servers
  7. Here is a download to a .zip for the server install. It includes the following: - Stripped down install - Correct server.cfg - steam.dll in there Enjoy. http://files.zetaservers.com/serverinstalls/MW3_Server_1.2.358.zip
  8. Im just creating a .zip for the whole working server install, ill chuck it on a webserver for people to use and im going to leave it up for the long term for those who have issues.
  9. So here is what i've gathered: net_port is the only port the only port that you can change, all the others will default back to the default with a port is write protected error. So basically this means that currently you can only run one server per IP which is shit. But Hopefully someone will have a workaround for this or they patch it. Hopefully the first one because it could be a while for a patch.
  10. Hey Guys, Ive got AA 2.8.5 installed on my local pc, now i believe that you can just upload this install to the tcadmin server, however in my install i only have the real basic maps, wondering if someone could point me in the right direction of where to download all the maps so i can upload them to the tcadmin server? Cheers
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