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  1. Really Good Work ! That thing about SVN is intersting, can you tell me or us how did you created it .. pls ? !! it would be very appreciated.
  2. Tank you. and you asking icons for what... for example if sourcemod is installed create and icon to generate admin, where client can select flags.. other icon can be a maplist updater.. ex: you add new maps then you run that icon and it will update maplist.. and we can do alot of stuff whit that ..
  3. Hello, i wanna know if its possible create my own icons .. its not change the image of them , but add more icons For example we have Mod manager , File Manager, Steam Update, Etc. can i add one created by me ? Trolling Image
  4. Well i need to know if can create a css3 with some html5 login page and them use it has a login page! it is possible? See we can create our custom.css but i dont uderstend it first becouse i don't know the style (example: .footer) then if i create one custom.css were i put it? i see on advenced tab html code and upload for css but on variables what i select for change html and css login page?
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