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Everything posted by cyberonfire

  1. One of my clients started to complain about lag on his server. So I looked at the CPU usage which was at 100% and I thought maybe he is running some mod that's eating the CPU, but that wasn't the case. TCAdmin used up 70% of the CPU. After i restarted TCAdmin monitor it went straight up to 70% again and after several restarts it vent down to 20% which i still think is kind of high when its monitoring just 4 game servers. I haven't had this problem with TCAdmin 1.0, so it seems 2.0 is using much more CPU.
  2. As the topic says. Is TCAdmin 2.0 stable? Im thinking about moving over to 2.0, because some of the features in it like web console and server monitoring. Is it stable enough to have live game servers on it or is it buggy?
  3. I dont see why it isnt like it is in TCAdmin 1.0 there its using IIS
  4. I think it would be a good idea to add sceduled updates to TCAdmin 2.0 like sceduled restarts. The same options should available (restart if empty, if players are on the server wait for it to become empty etc.) This would be useful for TF2 server owners, cause they are constantly updating the server software.
  5. I think the update functions should connect to the domain name specified in TCAdmin instead of connecting to the IP. Cause im in the same network as the server, which means the firewall will block all attempts to connect to the external ip from the external ip. The internal dns server points to the internal server IP, so making it connect to the domain name would allow me to update servers when in the same network. Its the same thing with TCAdmin v1.0
  6. When i try to use more than 1GB memory it doesnt want to start the bat. Any id?as why this is happening?
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