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  1. Hi Everybody, I really need a Configuration File for a Vietcong Server. Thank you very much in advance! Paul
  2. Thanks for your reply! I have set up a UT2004 Server before. The main problem I am experiencing is that I need to have a Config File so I can use TCAdmin with it. Otherwise if I make a Config "My own way" it gives me errors like "Game does not have any default config files configured." and stuff like that. So, since many people are hosting UT2004 anyways, why not share a config? Thanks in advance! Paul
  3. I psoted about a month ago and until now I am still unable to use TCAdmin with UT2004, I need the Configuration File. Thank you VERY much in advance! Paul
  4. Hi Game-Zero, I appreciate your help. I'm not exactly sure what you mean with the demo (Demo of BF 1942??). My problem is that I don't even know for sure how to write these configs, due to a lack of time in my schedule to learn that. So I thought in case somebody already has a config, they can post it. Also, I am sure many other/future users will appreciate the readily available Config Files since it helps them to install and configure their servers too. Sharing is always (well, most of the time) good... Thank you very much for your help! Paul
  5. <table border="0" align="center" width="90%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td class="SmallText">Stealth</td></tr><tr><td class="quote"> Remember to search the forums before requesting a config. HL2DM is already posted here: http://forums.tcadmin.com/viewtopic.php?t=101 </td></tr></table> Thanks for the hint, but may I note I'm not looking for Half-Life 2 Death Match, but Half-Life Death Match. Thank you. Paul
  6. Hi Everybody, I really need a Configuration File for a Battlefield 1942 Server. Thank you very much in advance! Paul
  7. Hi Everybody, I really need a Configuration File for a Team Fortress Classic Server. Thank you very much in advance! Paul
  8. Hi Everybody, I really need a Configuration File for a Ricochet Server. Thank you very much in advance! Paul
  9. Hi Everybody, I really need a Configuration File for a Deathmatch Classic Server. Thank you very much in advance! Paul
  10. Hi Everybody, I really need a Configuration File for a Half Life Deathmatch Server. Thank you very much in advance! Paul
  11. Hi Everybody, I really need a Configuration File for a Renegade Server. Thank you very much in advance! Paul
  12. Hi Everybody, I really need a Configuration File for a Tactical Ops Server. Thank you very much in advance! Paul
  13. Hi Everybody, I really need a Configuration File for an Unreal Tournament Server. Thank you very much in advance! Paul
  14. I need it too. Thanks in advance! Paul
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