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Everything posted by bmxican

  1. So you want a recurring task that will restart the game servers? That can be setup by going to System > General Settings > Recurring Tasks
  2. In this new age of SteamCMD we are finding we are beginning to rely on the Batch Update Tool quite a bit, although, i am yet to get it to actually function correctly. So, firstly i run the tool that creates a Steam update file, after that's complete i select the batch update tool, select the box i ran the previous tool on and click execute. The window then pops up and instantly says its completed... And it never actually updates any of the services. Is there something i'm doing wrong? Some guidance would be greatly appreciated!
  3. Updating my TCA to the latest version fixed the problem when i had it. Maybe try restarting your monitor?
  4. Sorry to bump, didn't want to open duplicate thread. Any idea if you might implement a mod update option like mentioned above?
  5. Is it possible to make the width of the V2 theme static, so for example 1000 pixels wide? If so how do i go about this. Thanks in advance, Bmxican
  6. I'm trying to setup a MOHAA server on my Windows Server 2008 box. I have got the game files on there and everything, the server installs fine. TCAdmin seems to think the game server is online, yet no one can connect to it :/ There isn't any error log or anything i can see. Does anyone have some suggestions as to what it may be causing the issue? *FIXED* Was trying to launch the wrong .exe
  7. We updated to the latest version of TCA today and seems to have fixed the problem. Thanks for the help though
  8. I was trying to create a custom script for one of my mods which would uninstall it by using a batch script to remove files. But when i click on the Custom Scripts button it doesn't allow me to type in the field which contains the actual script. When i click save it also doesn't do anything. I have attached a screen shot below to show what i mean. Thanks in advance, Bmxican
  9. Thank you for the quick reply! Worked great.
  10. Hi, ive found a small problem, when ever im logged in as an admin or client i am unable to change the start map through commandline manager. It shows up with a blank drop down box :/ If someone would be able to shed some light on the problem that would be great. I have attached a screenshot below. Kind Regards, Bmxican
  11. Hey guys, i had a search on the forums but couldnt find any solutions. My server is refusing to allow uploading of .so files. When i set up TCAdmin i allowed uploads of linux executables and eveything. Thanks in advance.
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