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  1. Mmm.... i see your point... Hmmmm...... Looks like a drawing board session...
  2. Many thanks for your response This we understand and appreciate (not every game offers a downloadable server). The games purchasing wouldnt be a problem, its the whole installing it, keeping it upto date, keeping it in a highspeed transfer space, staying on top of mods available etc. Sure if this was a service that was offered to TCAdmin clients, those costs could be "spread" - as is a hosting system etc? I wouldnt expect to "provision" each of my servers from the central store (if im following your meaning correctly of provisioning) I would simply want to download updated servers as and when they were available etc. But obviously, if some games are 6 gigs.... only takes 10 servers of that size, and 10 clients and your talking 600 gigs. Not sure how this would factor in... not sure how many people would be eager to take up such a service.... Thinking about it, taking someone on and selling this sort of service may pay for them....
  3. Hi All, Were actively looking at venturing into game servers, we have run a successful hosting company for about 5 years now. The thing is, as its a new venture etc, we really dont have the time to sort out all of the game files, and stay on top of them. What i was wondering was, would anyone be able to offer these on a download mirror for instance? That we could retrieve any changes on a monthly basis or something? We would be happy to pay for this service, as it would obviously be cheaper than hiring someone to do it. Im also very sure that others would appreciate this sort of service, either on a "pay per download" or a monthly fee option. If this is something you offer, or could offer then i would love to hear from you. This really is the only thing now holding us back but im sure we will come up with something if push comes to shove Look forward to hearing from you all. Adam I-Web
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