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  1. Yeah, I agree with Munra. Auto update would be great, even just for game install files if not also user files.
  2. Gettign this error message when trying to install TCADmin. Please fix your server's time and try again. I don't know what is wrong with the time as it is all set right. Running Window 2008 WEB 64bit
  3. TCA2 Service Browser menu. The folders are also there too. but deleting the folder doesnt remove it from there, tried that already.
  4. Hey, I have a problem where sometimes services that have been terminated via TCAdmin but I can still see the service in the Service Browser when I login via RDP. I have checked the database but the service is not there. How do I get rid of these services?
  5. My Master is on Windows, same for all my remote servers.
  6. Okay thanks. I will put off developing this until it is released.
  7. Okay thanks. Will there be in the future?
  8. Hey, is there a document somewhere that shows all the TCAdmin2 API functions? I am building a web application and was wanting to use TCAdmin2 as part of it.
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