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  1. Bracer50


    CentOS 5, I was told that it's an old release. I was told to try an alternative.
  2. Bracer50


    Ok, I ran: yum install glibc.i686 libstdc++.i686 and I get this: Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, security Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile * base: mirror.ubiquityservers.com * extras: mirror.nexcess.net * updates: ftpmirror.your.org Setting up Install Process Package glibc-2.5-118.el5_10.2.i686 already installed and latest version No package libstdc++.i686 available. Nothing to do
  3. Bracer50


    Yea, I see nothing in them. I ran that line you gave me and I get this: /home/tcadmin/Monitor/Tools/SteamCmd/steamcmd.sh Redirecting stderr to '/steamcmd-installer/logs/stderr.txt' [ 0%] Checking for available updates... [----] Verifying installation... Steam Console Client © Valve Corporation -- type 'quit' to exit -- Loading Steam3.../home/buildbot/buildslave_steam/steam_rel_client_linux/build/src/steamconsole/../common/steam/client_api.cpp (298) : Assertion Failed: ClientAPI_InitGlobalInstance: InternalAPI_Init_Internal failed, most likely because you are missing a 32-bit dependency of steamclient.so (the Steam client is a 32-bit app). FAILED. I think it's set up right, I had TC Admin set it up.....
  4. Bracer50


    I will give that a try when I get off of work, even though I don't see ANY folders in the TC dir, are they hidden?
  5. Bracer50


    When I tired running that command I get this: /home/tcadmin/Monitor/Tools/SteamCMD/steamcmd.sh: No such file or directory and I have been using anonymous but I have been looking around the forums and it looks like for new games like ARMA 3 and Star Bound you have to use your own account, because to have to own the game.
  6. Bracer50


    Whats the command to update CMD?
  7. Bracer50


    I update it by running the command in SSH right? Then do I need to use my steam account or the default?
  8. Bracer50


    When I hit create server, I get his message: Error: Steam download failed at 0%. Exit code 3
  9. Bracer50


    Ok, I found star bound and Arma 3 configs, so I went into tcadmin and imported them and then I went to create a server and said it can't be downloaded from steam, and now that I look at it with the new key it looks to be running fine for all other games.
  10. Bracer50


    I need some help, I have TC admin installed and I'm finding configs and I cant get them to work, and then some parts of TC admin are not working for the default games. Thanks, Brandon
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