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  1. Just to confirm, the server files are really 14GB? I downloaded them from the Steam Tools page, but holy hell that is absolutely massive. For some reason my .rar file is actually larger than the uncompressed directory as well.
  2. Is anyone else seeing it just continually say "Connecting to Online Services..."? I have copied the Steam.dll file into the root directory, and setup the server.cfg and map config in the "main" folder. It does this whether I specify a custom command line or not, so I am quite confused.
  3. Is IP binding not working? I have noticed no example command lines in this thread have IP specified.
  4. We are running 2008 and 2008 R2 (R2 for the most part). The first install I did ran fine under the System account, but no other installs did. Phantom was able to get some others running under an admin account, but still not seeing any logic behind what is allowing/preventing them to run.
  5. Randles, we figured that out a few pages ago and I believe everyone has adjusted their TCAdmin game configurations to match. The problem some of us are having now with Server 2008 and Brink is that it will not run properly. In our case, just letting it run under SYSTEM or under a limited user account prevents it from starting properly. Humbug was having a similar but different issue. One of our staff figured out that if we create an Admin account, and assign the game service to run under that, it will work. So the question now is, what windows user permissions are required for BRINK to actually start properly?
  6. We are having the same issue you are. If you figure it out please share! thanks
  7. We are having the same issue. We have 2 servers that are showing on the browser, and about 14 more that aren't showing up at all. All of them are exactly the same setup, so no idea why a couple are working and the rest aren't.
  8. How many threads are you guys allocating for your shared servers?
  9. Thank you, that was the issue. (not having that line at the end of the config file)
  10. +set net_serverDedicated 1 +set si_name "Test Server X" +set net_ip +set net_serverPort 27015 +set net_serverPortMaster 27016 +set sv_maxclients 16 +set exec_maxThreads 2 +exec server_objective_standard_vs.cfg Just tried that and still not showing up on the list. Is there any required software for it to run? (PhysX, DX, etc?) Think they are all installed from other games anyways
  11. This is what I have come up with thus far but so far not working properly. I can't figure out how to bind it to an IP address, and it just won't show on the list. BRINK.txt
  12. Can all of the cvars be set via command line using +set?
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