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  1. Is there anyway you can re-write it for me, It would be greatly apreciated.
  2. http://clientforums.tcadmin.com/showthread.php?t=4766 Can this be somehow done on TCAdmin v2? Thanks Also how can we make it so users can upload .jar files to /plugins/ currently it stops them.
  3. Is it using KB like it says or Kb?
  4. Will they be able to change the slots via the file editor? edit: nvm, I just will set it to 256 and then the panel will let them lower it just not raise it New issue, upgrades via the configurable options does not upgrade the ram just player limit. So this will only work for Source games or voice not minecraft.
  5. Fixed the api issue. Also what If I wanted to sell by ram and not slots? Thanks for the support. Typo on the client area under actions: Delete the files an reinstall this service. Should be: Delete the files and reinstall this service.
  6. It turns out I put http:// in front of the host name, now I am stuck yet again at figuring out how to change the XMX and XMS using the configurable options. I do not know what to put before |256 or whatever amount of ram. Edit: In the mean time I setup TF2 Exactly like the guide says and it just says: No results were returned. Check your TCAdmin logs. URL used: http://cp.XXXXXXXXX.com:8880/billingapi.aspx
  7. hostladder


    I was wondering if anyone can help explain to me how to use the new advanced whmcs module, The issue I see is that it does not have any preset things under the modules tab, also I made a configuration page for Minecraft persay, but how would I tell that to affect the xmx or xms values during the start of the server. Thanks dudes.
  8. Got everything working with trial and error now i just cant find the file: The file /home/tcagame/Admin/3/orangebox/srcds_run Thats the error at the end when trying to do TF2 or CSS.
  9. I have uploaded that, Now I have it to the point of where it says running etc, I have java installed, but it is still not starting, do I need to edit the code to match linux or something? It starts with: Running (pid 3806) then it will change the PID to 0
  10. Well for minecraft what files should be in the minecraft folder?
  11. hostladder


    I am getting the error: There are no game servers available on the selected server When I try to create a game service, can you not run games on the Master node?
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