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  1. I replied to your email Tom. Sorry it took so long, have been dealing with $h1t at the office and at the gsp all night.
  2. What do you consider clean? I have a working one...
  3. I know this sounds mean, but why are you hosting it then?
  4. Yeah, you need to make sure its using the system\ucc.exe
  5. Right, but what about the "waiting list" they had when they opened up? Is that gone now?
  6. Hmmm, i might do it then;) I just dont have time to goto the planet (Im not even the one upgrading our servers friday with more ram.... Im just going to be coding coding coding).
  7. I dont really have time to do it... I have a month's worth of work to do in 15 days now:\ The office decided they wanted a system I have been trying to get done for 6+ months, to be finished by November 17th... I will diversify our games later, when I have more time to make them perfect, but right now, I am more than happy with our current client signups. Sometimes I wish the GSP was my only responsibility, but there's other things that bring in a LOT more money...
  8. Unforunately, I am not going to be hosting this one (we pick and choose our battles). I might pick it up for personal use, but I wont have a config for it like I did Q4 & COD2...
  9. Hogie


    It works as it is set... I think seta means set archive...
  10. Hogie


    in one of the iwd files is a bunch of config files. You can unzip it with winzip to look at it (I dont remember which one). It has the ctf, dm, etc rotations, and I copied them into that config file, and just commented them out. I am not sure how to call them directly, so I didn't try doing that.
  11. Hogie


    Here's what Im running now... You need to copy your own config_mp into there, or it will say your config has changed... The +exec server.cfg works (I just setup a CTF server with just changing the map rotation line that was uncommented). This game is going to be a little more of a problem than usual, but I think this is what Im going to run on our servers now. Hogie-COD2.txt
  12. Hogie


    Profile set is okay, I just want to +exec a server.cfg... I figured put a default config_mp.cfg in like it is now, then use +exec on the command line to overwrite all the dvars.
  13. Hogie


    I have an updated one to upload... but, I just found out, when you use the config_mp.cfg, it overwrites your file by the server... Im going to convert to using a +exec server.cfg tonight, and hopefully post that here. That way it wont mess up my pretty comments I did for everything!
  14. Hogie


    There was a problem with your EXE filename ECF... which was copied into mine. Here's a fixed version. You had CODMP2_S instead of COD2MP_S That's why Rabbit was having that problem (and I did too). Hogie-COD2.txt
  15. Hogie


    Im doing an install right now off this cleaned up/expanded config. It mostly just has the config file cleaned up. I also added the active.txt in there, to point to the "server" profile, just to try to force it into action.
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