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  1. Np, I know theres still alot to do to get this game up to par, but at least we can share what we know and accumulate it into a working rpoduct for tcadmin. Its a shame to see this game be so weak on the dedicated side, because I cant get enough of the single player.
  2. I have a 12 slot I had up for 12 hours, and it used an average of 86mb. The bandwidth is pretty high in this game but its pretty fun when its all low pingers. I have a different setup, using a seperate map file. Make a file and name it: maprot_list.ltx Open it with notepad, and put this in sv_addmap testers_mp_agroprom sv_addmap testers_mp_pool sv_addmap testers_mp_lost_village sv_addmap testers_mp_military_1 sv_addmap testers_mp_atp Just change the maps to the ones you want. Now, you will need to put that file in the /data folder, along with the server.ltx This is what my server.ltx looks like: sv_anomalies_enabled 1 sv_auto_team_balance 0 sv_auto_team_swap 1 sv_bearercantsprint 1 sv_dmgblockindicator 0 sv_friendly_indicators 0 sv_friendly_names 0 sv_pda_hunt 1 sv_returnplayers 1 sv_shieldedbases 1 sv_spectr_firsteye 1 sv_spectr_freefly 0 sv_spectr_freelook 1 sv_spectr_lookat 1 sv_spectr_teamcamera 1 sv_statistic_collect 1 sv_statistic_save_auto 0 sv_vote_enabled 1 sv_vote_participants 0 sv_anomalies_length 3 sv_artefact_respawn_delta 30 sv_artefact_stay_time 3 sv_artefacts_count 10 sv_client_reconnect_time 60 sv_console_update_rate 1 sv_dedicated_server_update_rate 100 sv_dmgblocktime 0 sv_forcerespawn 0 sv_fraglimit 10 sv_friendlyfire 1.0 sv_hail_to_winner_time 7000 sv_pending_wait_time 10000 sv_reinforcement_time 20 sv_remove_corpse 1 sv_remove_weapon 1 sv_rpoint_freeze_time 0 sv_timelimit 0 sv_vote_quota 0.51 sv_vote_time 1.00 sv_warm_up 0 Heres a sample of my .bat file that calls it: dedicated\xr_3da.exe -i -nointro -nocache -nosound -silent_error_mode -external -svcfg C:\GameInstalls\STALKER\data\server.ltx -start Server(testers_mp_agroprom/deathmatch/hname=S.T.A.L.K.E.R./maxplayers=12/portsv=5445/portgs=6445/estime=09:00/etimef=0.0/spectrmds=30/public=1) client(localhost/name=Admin/portcl=7445) The server never crashes, and it is very stable with the -silent_error_mode variable. Notice I keep it in the GameInstalls folder until they make it able to be bound to other IPs than the root. I dont know if this helps anyone, but it is the best solution to run a dedicated stalker server for me.
  3. Thank you very much. It is working great now!!
  4. Im trying to import this config into tcadmin, and im getting errors. Is there an updated sof2 config? Thank you
  5. Thanks Doug, Ill get with you soon to get this sorted.
  6. Thanks alot. I imported the config but I am still unclear on why it is not working. Any suggestions or trouble shooting advice woudl be greatly appericated. Thanks again for your speedy response!
  7. I need a config file for Teamspeak RC2. Can anyone help me out?
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