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  1. This is line 177: Admin Password="%password%" // Chat "/admin <password>" to become admin. Exit or chat "/admin" to become non-admin. Only one admin allowed. This is line 194: </CONTENTS>
  2. I am getting an error:L 10/28/2006 10:21:23 AM : Error while importing game: The 'password' start tag on line '177' does not match the end tag of 'CONTENTS'. Line 194, position 3. I do have the querry port fixed with help from ISI I just need to figure out the error Dave
  3. Any-one ever come up with a Nascar 2003 and a Rfactor config files other that what are posted here? Dave
  4. Yes I am looking for these config files also as well as the configs so I can do the mappings (tracks)
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