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Everything posted by jaapjolman

  1. it happend after upgrading to mysql 5.7 which is not reversable, the error is happening because of an incorrect query statement, so where can i edit the queries to make this work again
  2. jaapjolman

    Error on login

    Dear TCADMIN, we got this error today when we logged in Expression #2 of ORDER BY clause is not in SELECT list, references column 'tcadmin.tc_panelbar_categories.view_order' which is not in SELECT list; this is incompatible with DISTINCT we run tcadmin on a linux box and we run mysql 5.7
  3. Hey Guys, i wanted to add a linux remote server, but the guide is gone from the help page. how do i add a remote server
  4. i also reported this to steam and i was told that this was not a steam issue as it worked when used with the .bat file from desktop.
  5. its 23:15 here going to sleep now i will make a screen recording with everything i tried
  6. i already unlock steam guard also disabled steamguard and still does not work
  7. i followed that guide 4 times i entered my account details in the settings page i tried arma 3 / arma 2 / garry's mod when i run in using the following command @echo off steamcmd +login "*********" "********" +force_install_dir C:\TCAFiles\Games\arma3\ +app_update 233780 validate +quit echo ---------------------------------------- echo Download Compleate echo ---------------------------------------- pause it runs fine but when i run it from the game tools it fails here are some screens
  8. Hello TCADMIN and Community, when i try to install or update games from steam through tcadmin i keep getting auth error code 65 but when i use the commandline from the remote desktop session it works just fine, then i go back to tcadmin and i still get auth error code 65. it worked fined before nothing changed except for updating to
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