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Everything posted by raytrax

  1. you have properly configured the PTR? And SPF for ur domain? both are important for the antispam check.
  2. You only need restart both services monitor-service and serviceman-service.
  3. Ports or IPs blocked by Firewall?
  4. Casi mejor te explicas en espa?ol... I don't understand that you can't delete!!!
  5. You can see System Requirements in wiki/help page Windows Windows XP SP3, Windows 2003, Windows 2008, Windows Vista, Windows 7 (32/64 bit) Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 On Windows 2008 R2 install from Administrative Tools > Server Manager > Features WinPcap(for bandwidth monitor) On Windows XP/2003 it is recommended that you disable Dr. Watson How to disable or enable Dr. Watson for Windows And you add ports to the Firewall: Default Ports Used by TCAdmin Windows Web/Monitor 8880, 8881 TCP FTP 8821 TCP FTP Passive Mode 5000 to 5100 TCP And finally, free trial license only accept 2 remote servers. See the wiki, have enough information: http://help.tcadmin.com/Main_Page
  6. I need to change the configuration of the database for TCAdmin. I'll change the default port of MySQL and I need to change it in the panel TCAdmin for Master Server and Remote Servers. Any suggestions? Thanks
  7. Really thanks, new UpdateTool file, kill all processes and manual update its works Thanks!
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