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  1. How do you delete a server off your TCAdmin, if you can't delete the gameservers that were on it and it is no longer connected to your TCAdmin. Basically I can't delete the game servers because it times out trying to get to the manage page, but I can't delete the server until those gameservers are gone...
  2. LFA... Could I please talk to you privately so you can help me? I am so stuck on the WHMCS-TCAdmin process
  3. Well, I need to have multiple configurations for people who order servers that put certain RAM on the sever... So I'm copying the template and when I try to start up those servers(with the new commandline) It shows as starting up, but when you refresh or go back to it, it shows (pid 0) and doesn't work. Doesn't create any of the files either... But the main one without any changes works.... Any way to make different ones work with different RAM? Thanks in advance.
  4. Hello all! I was wondering, I have TCAdmin up and working except I don't know how to/where to put Minecraft on there so I can use it as a service... Can anyone help? Thanks!
  5. LFA, http://clients.tcadmin.com isnt loading. Can you please email me at admin@epic-servers.com and we can work it out from there. Thanks.
  6. After I install TCAdmin2 on the linux system it gives me errors trying to find Microsoft visual basic, and trying to run the exe's.... Then it says the Monitor and Service have been started but it isn't really working...
  7. Well if I try to reinstall tcadmin2 it gives me Native stacktrace: mono [0x517867] mono [0x4de85d] /lib64/libpthread.so.0 [0x2b5145118b10] mono(mono_class_vtable+0x41a) [0x4692fa] mono(mono_object_new+0x9) [0x46c199] mono(mono_exception_from_name_two_strings+0x50) [0x48c6c0] mono [0x481fca] mono [0x47fbdf] mono(mono_class_vtable+0x341) [0x469221] mono(mono_object_new+0x9) [0x46c199] mono(mono_exception_from_name_two_strings+0x50) [0x48c6c0] mono [0x481fca] mono [0x5036bb] mono [0x503af0] mono(mono_runtime_exec_main+0x62) [0x46bb12] mono(mono_runtime_run_main+0x1c0) [0x46bde0] mono(mono_main+0xdc9) [0x414519] /lib64/libc.so.6(__libc_start_main+0xf4) [0x2b51457d4994] mono(realloc+0x331) [0x4131c9] ================================================================= Got a SIGSEGV while executing native code. This usually indicates a fatal error in the mono runtime or one of the native libraries used by your application. ================================================================= ./Shared/includes.sh: line 73: 11386 Aborted TCA_INSTALL_SERVICE=true mono ${TCAEXE}
  8. Thanks! =) Okay, I got it installed and everything, but now it doesn't want to seem to run.. And the errors I get look like it's trying to start TCAdmin with windows programs... Help?
  9. Just from the root... What folder would I do it from?
  10. So I have installed Mono and the libpcap but when I type in the command yum install tcadmin-2-bi.x86_64.rpm --nogpgcheck It tells me there are no available files there and I have no clue how to get them.... Can anyone help? Thanks!
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