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  1. My real issue turned out to be with steamcmd using "left4dead2" instead of the actual app id which somehow resulted in a corrupt dedicated server folder. However, your advice did help once I fixed the steamcmd issue so thank you.
  2. When I tried installing the server files using download_l4d2.bat it didn't work, I had to manually change it to use Steamcmd instead of hldsupdatetool even after I changed that setting in the config for it. I already went to the game config sticky and imported the newest l4d2 game config but I am still having this other problem: When I create a l4d2 game service, all the steps are gone through like normal and if I browse to the users/user/ folder I can see that the new service folder (8) is being created and is being filled with l4d2 files but at the last step, I get this error: and then the files all get deleted. The file literally was there a second before the error happens, but it looks like TCAdmin deleted the folder then got an error trying to access a non existent file. I have already manually restarted the TCAdmin2 services (both of them) and tried updating the TCAdmin installation through the web panel. I am also having a problem where TCAdmin no longer wants to download the new game servers I try to install - it worked fine with CSS, TF2, and Gmod a few weeks ago but now no other games are being downloaded when I try to create the services. I am starting to think the TCAdmin installation somehow got glitched and I should just reinstall the whole thing but I would love to hear from someone else before I do that. Edit: I am running Windows Server 2008 R2 Web Edition x64
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