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  1. ok after saying f*** port forwarding I enabled dmz. Now I have steam update and all the goodies but still no server appearing in tf2. in web console I get
  2. That fixed the unknown issue but the server still doesn't show up and funny thing if I run out side of tcadmin it does :/ Also steam update times out
  3. Hi all! I am running Tcadmin Master on Fedora 15 64bit. It all seemed to set up correctly and I installed Team Fortress 2 just fine and the panel said the server is running but it never allowed me to connect in game and I got a dns error when attempting to run steam update. The way my network works is I have Comcast Business Cable Internet(60mbps down and 15 up) and the box is connected directly into their router/modem and has a static ip assigned to it. I realized I typed in the dns addresses wrong in network manager so I corrected the issue and rebooted the box. Now all my servers have "unknown" as status and any I create seem to create successfully but still remain unknown. When attempting to delete I get an error could not uninstall. Please help? Let me know if anything else is needed. Thanks!
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