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  1. i am searching for help at installing bhd to my tcadmin... and would be willing to pay for help getting this program to install

  2. Same here. No issues with the one he posted.
  3. Get it to show on desktop and run on creation. those options are in the server setup file when you create a servers.
  4. Do they show on your server that there running ? Check make sure the console shows there running before anything. I know it sounds stupid, but sometimes people forgot to check the map rotation etc. to see if the console actually shows the game running.
  5. Try: C:\gameinstalls\cod4\main\filecheck.cfg Also like the others stated if you use TCAdmin it will auto create and it wont ask for a video card. It does require Direct X be updated to the latest version. I found it wont pop up on the desktop unless you install the up to date version.
  6. Ive been thinking about trying to branch out into a few other cities. Waiting to see how next few months go. Trying to build 30 new servers by July before I make any moves. Ill keep you guys in mind. Thanks
  7. I'm hoping the late setup wont effect my overall success. I am having to build 3 new machines because 2 of the 3 I had for CoD4 just got rented as dedicated servers. I see CoD4 sucks a little more ram lol. Need to go to 8 GB instead of the minimum of 2 GB.
  8. Yea tomorrow morning. Got that thing pre-ordered and ready to role. Hopefully the TCAdmin config I put together will work correctly and we can get this game launched. Should be a big success compared to Medal of Honor
  9. I got the same. Open it up into a text file and input it manually. Thats how I had to get it in and configured.
  10. I tell ya the way things roll now days. Anything is possible.
  11. Yea we both no that Conda didn't finish a few things on this. Ill take a look at the .ini . As for the task manager, I use to be able to get it to come back up back clicking the process and clicking bring to front. But that has stopped working.
  12. Must be an OS update or something. Continues to lock the .exe at times. Thanks for the information.
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