I made this post to inform you that I sell my themes, ExoPanel and Orando, and I include ExoGames to the pack because he is quite old now.
I sell everything for 50USD, but you can contact me if you want to buy only one theme, my skype is in the bottom of the message.
Forum link for each theme:
ExoPanel: http://clientforums.tcadmin.com/showthread.php?t=10895
Orando: http://clientforums.tcadmin.com/showthread.php?t=10899
Images of ExoPanel:
Login page:
Main page:
Games Servers page:
Images of Orando:
Main page:
I can't post the Games Servers page for Orando because I am limited to 4 image in this message but you can find the other image here.
If you are interested contact me on skype : meejays
or reply to this Thread.
I will help you to remove all ExoDice's logo and texts and replace them by your game company, and I can install the themes for you or just give you the theme pack.
Best Regards,