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  1. Hey, I just thought I'd share my script that will install TCAdmin 2 completely on a Debian linux. I wrote this as a pose to manually inputting all of the commands and installations which can sometimes get missed out and forgotten. This is a big advantage if you have many remote servers to install on which can become a long task if install onto every single one of them. What You Need To Replace _MYSQL_PASSWORD_ - root password to your mysql _LATEST_VERSION_ - tcadmin latest version to update to What This Script Does - Install Sudo - Install MS Fonts - Install Mono - Install MySQL - Configure MySQL Database - Install Java - Setup 80 and 21 Port Forwarding (To also save on reboot) - Install TCAdmin - Improve Mono Performance - Update TCAdmin - Reboot I have attached the scripts. Hope someone finds it useful. scripts.zip
  2. Hey, Is it just me or is a empty TCAdmin machine taking up quite a bit of CPU usage. I have a Quad Core i7 2.66Ghz and with no servers running, Debian 6, TCAdmin and MySQL take up about 20-30% of the CPUs. I'm worried that if I host too many on one server it's going to overload the CPU.
  3. I would really love a way to categorise mods. When you have hundreds of mods it gets quite hectic for the user to try and find what they want.
  4. I put together two modified classic themes which work well for me. The plain classic theme, I have just resized it a bit to allow for a cleaner button layout in game servers. The large version is a wide version which has enough space for the sidebar and therefore widgets. I've attached them both. Classic Large.zip Classic.zip
  5. Hey, CentOS 5/6, Debian 6, Fedora 15, Redhat 5, Ubuntu 10/11 (32/64 bit) I'm just wondering which one to choose and I was wondering which runs the smoothest, has the best reliability, stability? Or are they mostly the same. Still I would like some advice on which one to choose. Thanks
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