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Everything posted by brad.vilayer

  1. No i understand why it errors in tcadmin, there are no free servers. but whmcs still says creation successful, when it infact did not used to do that, it used to kick out the error in whmcs also
  2. i have found recently that even through there is an error provisioning, such as no servers avaliable in datacenter, it still says successfull in whmcs This is causing issues knowing what errors we are having
  3. We are finding that when we set the service limit, this does not apply for the resellers making services. It only seems to apply for the API
  4. Yeah, we already do that for most mods. It's an okay work around. I would prefer the ability to have them already expanded when they click install. It's not a game breaking feature. More of a small user experience situation I guess.
  5. Hello, A feature I would like to see is the ability to have Config Editors expanded by default when mods are installed. We use a lot of mods with config editors. When uses go to install them it takes them to the configuration screen but they just click install. They never see the config editors because they're collapsed by default. An option to have them opened or closed by default would be great. It's just a small issue but it's something we deal with very frequently.
  6. would be nice to have some script events to use with TS
  7. What sort of updates are you pushing out? We use alot of scripting outside of the updates function. We may be able to help
  8. You can use the before start actions for things like this
  9. i agree with you ryan. With 100's of servers, there is no ideal way to view the stats for each box
  10. i agree on this. The widget is pointless and uses CPU when running to get the latest stats. a poll every 2 min would be great for these stats to be stored in the db
  11. It would be nice to be able to set on a per game basis, the max services for this game that can run on a node. The reasoning behind this is due to some games requiring higher cpu / memory so only so many of them can run on a server. Ideally we would like to set a value within the game settings to say only so many can be provisioned to a specific server. If no value is given then their is no limit Brad
  12. We have it over at vilayer.com Pm me for details or add me on Skype brad.gyton
  13. we have something in place currently to connect to any of our 100's of servers. But pushing the same command to them all is something i feel would benefit TCAdmin
  14. There are times when we wish to run a command on every node we have setup, wether they are windows or linux. it would be nice to be able to specify a terminal command and it be pushed to every node, then show the response for each node if possible
  15. Hi We use WHMCS and to get to a clients service we 99% of the time use the link to service within WHMCS. When on the service page in TCA, you can see the server ip:port and below the fastDL link for the server. For us this uses their ip also rather than a domain. Would it be possible to show the node name above the server ip:port allowing us to know what node they are on alot easier. Many Thanks
  16. is there any benefit to having v2 in ISI rather than its own web server? We sometimes have the monitor crash which leaves the control panel down
  17. is it possible for me to query the monitor version on each server myself using php?
  18. this is still a constant issue for us. how can we debug to resolve this
  19. +1 this feature. We have many servers in the same location as our master tca and file server. it would be great to have those connect via LAN IP rather than WAN, allowing faster file transfer speeds
  20. Yes those functions work fine, along with terminate also
  21. whmcs connects fine, its only the odd create command that generated this. We have around 140 servers on tcadmin. from what i can tell in monitor debug, when an install occurs, it goes through avaliable servers and kicks the error while i waits on finding game files
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