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  1. Try this...Go to /home/tcadmin/Monitor/Override.config edit this file and set the value of RestrictLinuxExe to False
  2. Hi, Im trying to run a mumble server, but i get a start up error...and i have no idea how to solve this...ideas? i'm running the tcadmin last version on ubuntu 64 bits...
  3. that didin't fix my problem...:S
  4. Lately tcadmin is consuming almost always between 90% -100% of cpu (according to the module tcadmin), whenever this happens my services (servers, websites and tcadmin) are very slow and often not even run. What can be? and how can I solve the problem?
  5. ill test it right away And thank you so much for your help...5 * for you !! i let you know if i worked for me 2. Great music btw! Freddie and Queen 4ever xD
  6. I Have the tcadmin 2 installed on my server with ubuntu 64 bits. My problem is to create some game servers (steam games) files do not download, says ' download failed steam at 0%'. I've tried to run the download script manually but says the /home/tcadmin/Monitor/Tools/steam file or directory dont exist, but it's there (I ran as root and change the perms to 777, but still does not). What can be?
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