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Everything posted by ReAP3R_za

  1. Apologies. Either way, I do appreciate the willingness to assist.
  2. Thank you for being willing to assist Lane. I've managed to solve the problem in the end through recoding a BF3 config file for TCAdmin.
  3. Here's one for the other RSP's out there. We recently expanded our server offering and added a remote server version of TCAdmin v 2. The problem now remains that when we start up a new BF3 server on the remote box, it completely ignores the startup files. Each server auto defaults to 64 slots, it does not read the admin password at all. I've managed to narrow this down to TCAdmin purely because I am able to startup a server manually, pointing it at the instance folder with the startup files and works perfectly. TCAdmin on the master server works 100% when setting up new BF servers with none of the issues we are experiencing on the remote server. Has anyone experienced this? Would anyone be able to offer advice?
  4. Hey guys Hoping someone might be able to assist., and I feel the list is probably not the place to request this assistance. I've been banging my head against a wall for a few days now trying to get the TCA config file for C3 to work. Would anyone who's got a working TCA2 config file mind sharing? Thanks in advance; Jeremy TechGames.co.za
  5. Hey,


    Hopefully you are able to help me out a little. Just came across your thread from earlier this year regarding web design etc. May I ask who did it for you? I am embarking on the same step and can't find anyone in SA who knows WHMCS well enough.

  6. I am also in the process of moving the master to a new server box. Thanks for the instructions, we will try it and see which works. EDIT: Didn't see this was a linux thread. Simply used the search function and this is the first one that popped up.
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