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[NiK]Jay's Achievements


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  1. GameCreate is good, it installs all your files etc, but it dosent have a client side. Its also FREE for 2 master servers, nothing compared to TCAdmin.
  2. If you could post the Original Unreal Tournament, its also known as UT GOTY, or just Unreal Tournament, id be most grateful. Its the one before 2003. Jay
  3. Hey I am having trouble finding the following gameserver files. If someone could direct me a link to these files downloads it would be much appreciated. Also, if you could also include the command lines, that go into the TCAdmin Game Configuration area on the panel, that would also save me alot of time. Thanks very much. Battlefield 1942 Battlefield 2142 Battlefield Vietnam Call of Duty Call of Duty 2 Call of Duty United Offensive Half Life Deathmatch Medal of Honour Allied Assault Medal of Honour Allied Assault: Spearhead Medal of Honour Pacific Assault Quake 3 Quake 4 Return to castle Wolfenstien Solider of Fortune Solider of Fortune 2 Enemy Territory Thanks agian. Jay.
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