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Everything posted by mamouth

  1. Hello. I don't know if it's possible or not (yet) but what I would like to do is to update the "master" game files then update from the master every game server that run the same game. I found a way to do it but it's all manual. Of course I can schedule the taks when I want BUT it's only one time. We can't set a recurring task (this way atleast). MANUAL : 2 tasks for all servers Update the master game files Copy the updated files to every game servers The other way I found is interresting because we can use the recurring task but we have to create the task for EVERY server AUTO : 1 task for each game servers You can enable or disable the recurring task <== Great option So if you want the game server to check for update each day at 6 am : check the enable box Type : Daily Start : select next day at 6am Recur every : 1 days You can check the Repeat Task if you want to make it twice a day for example. When TCAdmin run the task the game server will stop, update, start. What I want is a mix of both Do the recurrent option available for updating the master game files (C:\TCAFiles\Games\csgo) so we can run it like every hour for example. Then copy the update at an user-defined time. For example I know the updates of csgo are usually made around 4 or 5 am in my country. So I would do a recurring task to check for update every 30 mins between 4 and 6 am. If it found an update, it download it to the master game files. Then it copy it to all game servers. I hope I've been clear enough. Sorry, English is not my native language.
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