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  1. +1 Would be a great help to us. What would be ideal would be the ability to operate the server (start/stop e.t.c) whilst blocking the user from access. At the moment, setting the server to "Disabled" prevents us from starting a server. Also an appropriate message for the user (e.g Staff Investigating..) rather than Disabled. I just know we'd get frantic tickets if it said something else ...
  2. I was wondering if TCAdmin should kill the first.exe in the example above as well as the second, when a stop command is sent? I'm finding that sometimes both are killed, but sometimes only the second is. Would a taskill command after "start /wait second.exe" work with TCA?
  3. I didn't realise the updating of general settings didn't update port numbers. Lol. Thanks for your help
  4. Thanks for the reply LFA, I can read parameters from TCAdmin fine using %1 , %2 but at the moment I can only access the standard variables such as %service_timezone% . When I try to access the custom variable timezone (%timezone% ?) I get nothing passed to my bat. I was thinking maybe the custom variables are named differently ( eg %custom_timezone% or %service_timezone%) ? No biggie if its not possible, I have a workaround that is working well enough.
  5. Hi LFA, The query port in the game is correct. When I try to access the current activity and stats page I get the xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:xxxx is not responding to query (the ip and port are correct). However when I use the query tool in the general settings (using the same ip and port as the error message) it works perfectly every time. If its relevent, I don't think the query port was set correctly when initially installed. I have updated existing services with the correct values several times but to no effect. At the moment I just have the relevant port numbers in the ip and ports section, I previously had port numbers and port number expression. In case its relevant, the servers are hosted on the master machine.
  6. Hello, At the moment I have 6 servers on a machine that use the gamespy v4 query protocol. When installed the first 4 or 5, I had query monitoring disabled as I didn't think TCadmin could query the servers. I later enabled it, saved the update and updated existing services. I've done this several times but only the most recently installed server automatically queries the service correctly. The others will generate a query failure. However I have used the manual query on each of the servers, repeatedly without any issue. Is there a way to enable/fix the query issue on the other services, ideally without reinstalling them (edit mysql data direct)?
  7. Is there a way to remove older updates that all clients have upgraded to? I tried to delete an update but I got an error preventing deletion as it had already been used. Regards Sam
  8. Thanks for the reply LFA. How would the variable be called in the script? At the moment I have a commandline variable called timezone. When I try to access it in a custom script (%timezone% and %service_timezone%) I get no value passed. I am able to get the default values such as %service_rootdirectory%. The script is called before startup.
  9. Hello, As the title above says. Is it possible with TCAdmin? I would like the user to be able to select variables from a drop down list, so I can execute them in a custom script at startup. If not, is it possible to pass these values out to a cfg file on starting or restarting a server? Sam
  10. Hi, I have several updates in the update list for a game. When a user installs the latest update, his previous update becomes listed as not installed, even though he has already installed that update using the update panel. Is this a feature? If so is it possible to keep track of these installed updates? The updates are quite frequent and so it would help if the user(and me!) can keep track of them. Regards Sam
  11. Hi, I was wondering if TCadmin was able to start and stop a second exe in addition to the dedicated server binary, when the server is started and stopped in the panel? Looking at the custom scripts tab, I can see how I could start the second exe it at startup, but not close it with a stop or restart command. Is there a way to do this? Regards Sam
  12. Hi adam, Thanks for the tip it worked perfectly.
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