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  1. why am I missing System Settings > Plugins > I have no plugins settings
  2. Hey, I'm setting up my TCadmin and I noticed I do not have Billing API anywhere. I only see API settings. Why is this. Is this the same jazz? I see this: Begin by going to Setup > Servers Click Add New Server Enter the server name, hostname used to access TCAdmin in the IP address field, select the server type "tcadmin" from the dropdown menu, and enter your TCAdmin username & password The other fields can be left blank, simply click Create Server to complete the process inside WHMCS Now login to TCAdmin and go to System Settings > Plugins > TC_GSAUTO > Configure Scroll down until you see the Billing API Settings section and then tick Enable Billing API, enter an email where requested and enter the IP your WHMCS system is installed on into the Allowed IPs field. Then save to finish. under the help section although I dont even have System Settings > Plugins
  3. now im just getting Error: Curl error: couldn't connect to host Url: http://x.x.x.x:8880/billingapi.aspx
  4. I got the price to update although I see this: How do I remove the billing cycle thingy.
  5. Can you give me a games example of it?
  6. Config File default_values.php[?] I'm setting up a game hosting panel with WHMCS. In this I will be using San Andreas Multiplayer. I'd like to be able to use WHMCS to set up TCAdmin for auto billing and server/account creating. Although, it asks for a Config file and Im just not sure what that would look like. (For any game, not only SAMP.)
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