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Everything posted by DWBHoxton

  1. Hello, I am running Rust Legacy through TCAdmin without issues. Server starts up perfectly fine, able to join, rcon works etc. However, when I drag and drop the Oxide 2.0 files over the freshly installed server, it won't boot up anymore. What am I doing wrong? I am having no servers, it executes the .exe file but normally it should be at least 500MB of RAM in Task Manager, now after "Installing" the mod, which is just drag and dropping in the root of the game it's only 28MB RAM.
  2. It is solved now, I will edit this thread later, with info on what stuff had to be changed in order to get it working.
  3. It's this: runas /user:TCAGame cmd.exe Password: ************ cd /d C:\TCAFiles\Users\admin\1\rust\ C:\TCAFiles\Users\admin\1\rust_server.exe -ip ***.54.***.98 -port 28015 -players 100 rust_server.exe -batchmode -hostname $[hostname] -map rust_island_2013 -cfg rust\rust_server_Data\server.cfg -datadir "serverdata/"" Edit: You didn't blank out your PW and IP mate.
  4. This is the result of starting "rust_server.exe": http://puu.sh/hrIhl/1b5bfc4059.png Also it opens up a black screen. As if it boots op the game?
  5. It seems like that it worked out, but having another issue. Getting status: StartError Damnn :/
  6. I added you on Skype. What does the "Priority" stand for?
  7. Would it be really that easy? Do you mean this part: http://puu.sh/hrBNv/43fd77e6c4.png
  8. Yes it is mate, check this out: http://puu.sh/hrAhn/62315360fb.png And these are the steps that I followed: Install SteamCMD Start SteamCMD Log in with a Steam account or anonymously: login anonymous or username Run: app_update 258550 -beta legacy validate (to download the old legacy Rust Dedicated Server (rust.legacy)) Source: https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Rust_Dedicated_Server I got the XML config from the support.
  9. It's called: rust_server.exe Downloaded the files via SteamCMD.
  10. Can not install a game via "Create a Service" Getting this error: "Error - The file C:\TCAFiles\Users\admin\1\rust\rust_server.exe does not exist" I tried creating an account, getting the same error: Error - The file C:\TCAFiles\Users\dwbhoxton\1\rust\rust_server.exe does not exist So I thought, I'd create the folders myself as they weren't even there yet. Then another error: Folder allready excists.. What do I have to do? Or what am I doing wrong?
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