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Everything posted by SeanM

  1. Thanks Goatboynz for your responce I am willing to pay I have for a script for data bace and 1 click installs. cheers
  2. Marr thanks for the dayz config what do you use for the database entrey for each server that is made. cheers
  3. Hey guys, I just need some help I have installed arma 2 dayz it installs and runs with no problems on the default hivemind database but say I install another server how does it copy the original database I have put in what it says in wiki and that work but it creates a database called db1 and empty. so what I am trying to ask where do I tell the server to use say hivemind db as a template and copy it. And I may be stretching the friendship does anyone have a arma 2 epoch.xml with the 1 click mod install they wouldn't mind sharing. thanks Sean
  4. hi harry did you end releasing your epoch config file

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