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  1. Im running my dns for the host name via the cloudflare free service, i just added a A record for the host name and then added the server ip. So im not running my own dns at the moment. I added the google resolvers for now to my eth0 config and its working for now..
  2. I got it, i basically just ripped it out like an old tooth and reinstalled it lol...
  3. Something is broke and i just cant get the site up and running, i need to reinstall it, how do i reinstall? My webmin runs perfectly and i dont know why the TCAdmin does not work anymore as its the same url but just a different port and i checked and the ports are correct. 8880 and 8881 and they are open in CSF... So how do i re install this please on a centOS 6 64bit linux... Thanks
  4. I am not running my own DNS at the moment and so i have my bind turned off. This in part keeps me from being able to ping your host name of master.tcadmin.net to update my license. And i receive an error when i try. I can ping your host ip at no problem but i cannot ping the host name. I feel the software needs to resolve the hostname either way, by IP or Hostname in order to resolve issues with updating licenses for people with my kind of configuration. Thanks
  5. Im not running my own dns at the moment, i have the bind turned off. I am running my dns via cloudflares free plan just so i can stay up for now. I will work on my dns later. What alot of people do is they sign up for cloudflare free plan then add their domain, then add a custom A record to the DNS open of cloudflare and put their hostname in there and the ip of their server, then that name will resolve on the server.
  6. just another note here when you create your files the x-509 should have an extension of (.cer or .crt) and the key file should be .pvk I know it wont work on my linux but i did it anyway and put them in the home dir.
  7. well shoot, looks like its only good on windows versions
  8. found it, you can find the file via file manager in webmin and doing a search, the file is in /home/tcadmin/Monitor/ Looks like the port is already not commented. Those ports in there are different so you prob want to leave them alone.. Also there is a place here in this file for the SSL key file and the SSL cert file locations, looks like you just create the files and then put the location in the blocks here to run your SSL. So hope that helps someone. Thanks.
  9. Ok thanks so much... yeah i need to fix some dns outward bound issues but ill get there lol... seems im not connecting to the master server... Thanks very much
  10. Thanks Dennis, looks like im having an issue with my DNS reaching out to master.tcadmin.net just trying to troubleshoot it. . I can ping but not google.com i have my dns setup with the free cloudflare and so im wondering if i may need to add an A record in the cloudflare set up for the master.tcadmin.net Still trying to sort it out lol... or i might need to open a port, i dont have any udp ports open at all. However i do have the following open tcp ports in CSF 8880,8881,8890,8891,443,80,58,25,465,587 both in and out.
  11. i wonder if this is because i am logged in as the ip and not the host name nope that made no difference, still get the error... ok folks how do i update the license manually, anyone know?
  12. My host name is a valid hostname but yet i get this when i go to update my license any ideas what i might try, thanks
  13. How do i uncomment the secure port if i cant find the file.. lol does anyone know where this file is please tcadmin-config. thanks see picture..
  14. Hi, I just purchased my first remote license, but when i go to create a server it says i dont have enough remote licenses. Is there a place i need to go to register my remote key in the master? This is on a linux centOS 6 64bit Thanks
  15. However i will say that it would be good to check the url of the site before assigning the recaptcha. If you use the host ip to log in to the site and you add a recaptcha and log off, then you will be locked out again as long as you use that host ip. And it shows the same mismatch recaptcha image i showed you before. So it would be a good idea to force the recapcha off and give a message if your running the admin on the host ip. That way people know they need to use the host name host.example.com to log in rather than the host ip.
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