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  1. Wrong thing DaCrazyKiwi Down the bottom of the game template there will be a button called variables. The variables you can change in custom commandlines need to be created here
  2. Hey, I have been running into an issue when installing 2 mods for ARMA 3 that have the same required mod. The workshop will install the required mod with the first mod installed. The workshop will then try and install the required mod with the second mod as well, but will error because the required required mod already exists. I was wondering if anyone had come across this or found a solution? If there was a way to pull fileid of just the required mod, could put an if function in to avoid this, but currently the only way I see around this is to manually delete the required mod file and install the new mod. Am using the basic workshop script, just replaced FileID with FileTitle really.
  3. I normally have a script on mod install that renames the exe, eg. REN %ThisService_RootDirectory%Mod.exe Mod%ThisService_ServiceId%.exe Then you can just use taskkill /IM mod%ThisService_ServiceID%.exe /F As each services mod exe now has a unique name
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