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  1. I enabled game switching in the feature permissions on all supported games. After creating a game server i have to enable the game switching in the service settings too No Gameswitching Button: I have to enable it here: I want it to be enables by default.
  2. Two questions about game switching: After creating a gameserver, i have to enable the gameswitchin for the Service and have to mark the available games. Is it possible to enable the service by default when i create a server? Is it possible to switch cross over Plattforms? Something like switch from a windows game to a linux game by moving it to another root
  3. Hello, i am looking for somebody who is able to customize a theme, based on http://clientforums.tcadmin.com/showthread.php?t=12218 I wrote to nooney, but he didn't answer Contact me and we will talk about wishes and prices. Mail: gameserver@enemy-island.com Skype: jokerle Discord: https://discord.gg/US7wkmt
  4. Its all working fine ... was my fault, saving the images in wrong path
  5. Hello, i have a problem installing a game or voiceserver on Linux. A few month ago i used a an ubuntu16.04 for TS3 Server with no problems. Now i have an ubuntu 16.04 too, and i am not able to install any game or voice server. i tried to install TS3 Master. What i did: installed a new remote following: http://help.tcadmin.com/System_Requirements i added the remote to the master and updated it from 2.0.108 to 2.0.109 with no problems i opened "create a service -> create a voice service -> other voice server i marked the Linux Server i got the error my configs: Any suggestions to solve it?
  6. i solved this with a simple batch file: D:\00_Steam_CMD\steamcmd.exe +login %ThisService_SteamID% %ThisService_SteamPW% +force_install_dir %ThisService_RootDirectory% +workshop_download_item 107410 %ThisService_modID% +quit move %ThisService_RootDirectory%\steamapps\workshop\content\107410\%ThisService_modID% %ThisService_RootDirectory%\%ThisService_ModName% i use move becaus ethe mod is saved in a subfolder only with the steam id. But i have two questions: 1. Is it possible to use it with steam guard too? 2. i want to add these mods automatic to the command line, in command line i have the part: -mod=![mod] it wold be nice to have something like ![mod]==![mod]+![ModName]
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