Hello guys lately i moved my servers to another dedicated and i used a backup
But i have faced a problem when ever i stop B3 (BigBrotherBot) the server of it stops and start again
So i thought it might be something with the backup so i installed servers all over again but same problem i started Service Manager in console and i saw this
ServiceId 4 - Stopping...
ServiceId 4 - Stopping process...
ServiceId 4 - Service has 0 scripts.
ServiceId 4 - Killing process id 6921 and sub processes...
ServiceId 4 - Killing process id 6921.
ServiceId 3 - Process exited, restarting... Restart count: 2
ServiceId 3 - Could not recover process (pid 0)
ServiceId 3 - Killing process using ***:28961...
ServiceId 3 - Service has 0 scripts.
ServiceId 3 - Service has 0 scripts.
ServiceId 4 - Killed process id 6921 successfully.
ServiceId 4 - Killing process using ***:28961...
ServiceId 4 - Killed process id 7012 using ***:28961
ServiceId 4 - Killing process running from /home/tcagame/xtreme/18961/...
ServiceId 4 - Service has 0 scripts.
ServiceId 4 - Process stopped successfully.
ServiceId 4 - Stopped
ServiceId 3 - Process exited, restarting... Restart count: 3
ServiceId 3 - Could not recover process (pid 0)
ServiceId 3 - Killing process using ***:28961...
ServiceId 3 - Service has 0 scripts.
ServiceId 3 - Service has 0 scripts.
pid 7025's current affinity mask: ff
pid 7025's new affinity mask: ff
pid 7025's current affinity mask: ff
pid 7025's new affinity mask: ff
pid 7027's current affinity mask: ff
pid 7027's new affinity mask: ff
now the ServiceId 4 is the B3 the ServiceId3 is the Cod4 server
Click stop for ServiceId 4 and that will show up
Any idea whats wrong ?