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Everything posted by vgamer

  1. Why don't I add a big bang to this idea and make it better for everyone? What about LOAD balancing? For instance the panel would do such as but not limited to... Scan the fleet for current loads on certain hardware utilization CPU, RAM, IOPS, IO, etc and then convert them to % usage for each of those node. Next those data are then polled for a specified amount of time (Over a day, week, month, etc) Then there would be a mean to tell the panel what you want, for example do you want to warn admins via emails, pagers (do people still use them lol?), and/or etc? Or do you want the highest disproportional game server (based on slot/RAM/etc allocations) to be restarted/shut down? And/or do you want the "nuclear option" to be a thing and the gives the customer(s) that uses the "world" the "axe" when he/she only paid you $5 all automatically? Other than those options to let's say "moderate" the nodes, what about dealing with upgrades/downgrades? There should be able to be have this automated (upgraded customers going onto better nodes while downgraded customers going to smaller/more dense nodes). And the list goes on right?
  2. Well to be fair most of the time a "reinstall' doesn't need to be done on "auto" but yes in this case it make sense. If that not possible then yes resetting the map or whatever is the best option. Some games may even have a command that you could setup a scheduling to work "around" this.
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