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Aeioyoo last won the day on July 4 2020

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  1. It'd be very nice, and much more secure, if TCA could run services containerized, like Pterodactyl. Currently, the most secure option we have is using Run As -> User per Service. Although better than long ago, using containers would still be much better. Currently, we can't allow DLL uploading for security. However, CS:GO and other games use DLLs/SO files for mods/plugins. This is less than ideal, as we have to keep up a mod manager, constantly adding more to it and updating existing mods. This isn't a good experience for the client, having to contact us to add new mods. Even non-dll files, like Minecraft Jars and SourceMod plugins have the potential to cause damage; as they run with the same privileges as the tcagame user for the service: for example writing/reading to files outside the service, email spamming, resource abusing etc. Some games also store things in AppData, /home etc. That's no problem with Docker. Containers would run totally isolated from eachother. Since the file system and usage are isolated, we could start allowing DLL uploads. It also allows us to easily allocate CPU/Memory/Storage on Linux where this was previously hard. It also allows a whole new hosting sector, the pre-packaged nature of containers would open up things like Node.js discord bot hosting. Adding support would mean rebuilding from the ground up, though. I've heard it was being considered when TCA updates .net version. This would be a brilliant feature, modernizing and improving TCA a lot. I'm sure if it was developed today rather than having such a history, it would have been with Docker.
  2. Hi, The current state of permissions makes it hard to grant a heirarchy of privelages, for both sub-users, and sub-admin users. Currently, sub-users are better than sub-admin permissions, as you can grant permissions to specific features. Almost the whole gamepanel permissions for sub-admins come under "View game services", it needs to be broken down a lot more than that. For both sub-users and sub-admins, I'd like permissions such as: Upload files Delete files Download files Edit files The FTP counterparts of above Module permissions for sub-admins (i.e. File Manager, Mod Manager, Map Manager, Steam Update etc) Run script permissions (possibly per script, like in the sub-user permissions) Possibly specific permissions per folder, per game (i.e. extend file-system permissions to include specific roles) Action permissions (i.e. suspend, reinstall, repair, delete, detach permissions) Maybe even a total overhaul of the system, seperating from the User/Sub-Admin/Reseller/Admin permission to broken down permissions, like "View all services, View all (GAME) services, Create Services" etc etc etc, breaking everything down into individual permissions that can be granted to groups Currently, we are using demo-mode on some sub-admin roles in order to allow read-only access, but this isn't ideal. We'd like to allow file manager operations while denying deleting of services etc.
  3. Currently, I've added it as a custom icon script. A popup would be real nice though. Like I said though, gmod template needs updating still.
  4. In the wake of gmod now needing GSLT (https://steamcommunity.com/games/garrysmod/announcements/detail/1716372156967158715) many more users will need a GSLT token when creating their service. Currently, users would need to input the value in their custom commandline, or otherwise it would need to be taken when the service is purchased through WHMCS. It would be useful to add some sort of wizard or explaination to help the user generate and then apply a GSLT token, we find many of our users need help or advice with it. At any rate, the Gmod default script needs updating. Thanks
  5. Kill by PID instead? You'll need to take note of the PID when the service is launched too, maybe via a variable.
  6. On the same note, we REALLY need some proper docs of the SDK for use in ironpython custom scripts, the variables are well documented but the functions are a mystery without decompiling DLLS, and using the example scripts etc. (E.g. TCAdmin.SDK.Misc's functions like the compression tools) Custom scripts are really one of the best things about TCA, with the extensive integration into mod manager, and actions. Just wish they were more accessible.
  7. Issue disappeared after downgrading, so the update is to blame. We've sent in a ticket.
  8. Hi, We updated to this morning. We're on linux. It says you "fixed an issue with default sorting in file manager." Across all our servers now, the file manager can't save files. It says they are read only. FTP works fine. They are all correctly chmodded and chowned, and they worked until we updated. Sending in a support ticket soon once we can confirm the issue.
  9. It is causing a start error though and failing to start, although tls is working at least. And there's this error in console: ~ I assume it's because the steamclient is provided by tcadmin when server is started, and not when it's done manually. Anyway, like I said, any way to get it working via control panel too?
  10. No! That fixes the error if it's ran manually. Any reason it wouldn't work normally?
  11. It was already commented out. It doesn't work with it commented, uncommented, or changed to BTLS. I couldn't find tcadminservicelauncher though. It should be using its own copy of mono, thats the path it displays when it's launching. Works on our other servers, just not this one.
  12. We're getting TLS errors on rust on our new dedi, doesn't happen on our others. I'd think main causal factor would be other servers having an older version of mono that's been updated, whereas new one only has 6, but I'm really not sure. Error: Error: ConnectFailure (TLS Support not available.) TLS Support not available. No such TLS Provider: `legacy'.***8203; (it should really use BTLS anyway) This is meaning rust can't connect to https for plugins and oxide updates. It could be the version of mono already installed for TCA is interfering, or it could be something else. It really should have legacy though, whichever version it's using. I can't set mono tls provider though as the version of mono it uses is precompiled and included with the server. Anybody experienced this before?
  13. Anyone else confirm on non beta? And if not, any idea what's causing? File permissions are usual afaik, and I don't know of any demo-related options as I said.
  14. Error doesn't occur on the tcadmin demo they host themselves, which leads me to believe it's an error in our configuration. However they might also be on beta, or a different os. And as far as I know, there's no configuration options releating to demo users. Even so, anyone else confirming would be useful. Edit: Yes, the tcadmin themselves demo is on beta, 2.0.125.
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