FYI: Using Master server (Linux, Ubuntu) & Remote server (Linux, Debian).
The actual issue:
After using "Game Tools > Steam game downloader" on the Master server and Remote server for Left4Dead2, using on the Master server, then creating a L4D2 server on the Remote server (which downloads the .tar.gz correctly), the game server can be started but querying it is impossible.
The console says a working Steam platform cannot be found - the game server itself however does work. But querying is impossible (and TCAdmin shuts down the server after 3 query retries).
Removing the setting "Get files from:" in "Game & Voice Settings" of the Remote server (so it copies the /l4d2-linux/ directory previously downloaded using "Steam game downloader") fixes the issue.
Extended info:
There are download_* and compress_* scripts in
Using the download script
/home/tcadmin/Monitor/Tools/steam -command update -game "left4dead2" -dir "/home/tcadmin/tcafiles/games/l4d2-linux" -verify_all -retry
on both the Master and Remote server works fine, just as expected.
Then, I ran the script on the Master server:
cd /home/tcadmin/tcafiles/games/l4d2-linux
tar --exclude=TCA.* -cvzf ../l4d2-linux.tar.gz .
This also worked as expected and created l4d2-linux.tar.gz.
At this time, my Remote server was configured to "Get files from: Master" in the "Game & Voice Settings" tab of the Remote server.
Creating a new L4D2 server on the Remote server worked. It first downloaded the l4d2-linux.tar.gz correctly (verified), then started extracting it.
Launching the game server also worked. Correct pid and everything, console says it's connected to the Steam servers. But: querying the game server (tried both "Current Activity & Stats" and "Game Query Tool") does not work.
However, the console also stated it couldn't find Steam platform (this isn't the exact error, but I don't have the log and have reinstalled the gameserver - I'll explain this further on).
Disabling the "Get files from: Master" setting on the Remote server and setting it back to "Local files" + removing the downloaded l4d2-linux.tar.gz from the Remote server fixed the issue.
Clicking reinstall correctly copied the files from /l4d2-linux/ (since the .tar.gz was removed and there was no "Get files from" setting) and started the gameserver. Querying the gameserver also worked just fine.
I do have -some- ideas as to what might have happened to cause this issue, but those are just ideas so if you know what's happening, please let me know. I'd absolutely love to use the "download&compress + 'get files from'" settings, but they need to be working perfectly.
Unless the issue was caused by myself, then I apologize. But I did triple-quadruple-check almost everything.